Witness to Hope
100 Masses for the Holy Souls
100 Masses for the Holy Souls commenced on May 14th last and will conclude on the Feast of Our Lady of Knock, 21st August next. These Masses commemorate the 100 masses offered by Archdeacon Cavanagh, Parish Priest of Knock, in 1879 which concluded on the day of the Apparition, 135 years ago. The Masses are a movement of prayer for the launch of the ‘Witness to Hope’ renewal project which will begin October. Due to a huge interest in this initiative the following Mass schedule is in place:
Weekdays: 8am in the Apparition Chapel
Sundays: 12 Noon in the Basilica
It is very important to note that these times are adaptable to my schedule and will vary, you are advised to check the Shrine website and Parish newsletter for changes.
Many thanks,
Fr. Richard