The Catholic Grandparents Association, officially launched at last year’s National Grandparents Pilgrimage in Knock Shrine, is now actively setting up branches in parishes throughout Mayo, Galway and Roscommon.

Over 14,000 people attended the 2009 National Grandparents Pilgrimage, and now underway is the task of creating a branch structure all over Ireland.
“We have concentrated our initial efforts on Mayo, said Catherine Wiley, founder of the Catholic Grandparents Association.
“The response has been excellent. It is as if grandparents have been crying out for an initiative such as this, which helps them in their efforts to pass on the Catholic faith to their grandchildren.
“It also supports them in their own faith and helps them address sensitive issues regarding faith in these days of broken and fragmented families.”
The Association have now announced the following schedule of branch meetings:
Co. Mayo:
Castlebar (The Monastery) – Wednesday, July 7th, 10.45am (Contact Angela Gormley 087 7680 297);
Knock (St John’s Rest & Care Centre), Thursday July 8th, 12noon (Contact Nita Isaacs 094 93 88697, Sr Anne Fitzsimons 094 93 76688, or Dorothea Collins 094 93 75216);
Westport (Parochial Hall) – 10.30am, Tuesday, July 13th. (Contact Máire Printer, 098 24877, 087 2058 016);
Co. Galway:
Athenry (Old Presbytery); Tuesday, July 27th, 10.45am (Contact Máire Printer, 087 2058 016);
Kilteevna (Church Sacristy); Friday, July 16th; 10.30am (Contact Patricia Scarry 093 38356);
Co. Roscommon:
Roscommon town (St Coman’s Club); Tuesday, July 6th; 11am (Contact Alice Stephens 09066 26570, email;
This year’s National Grandparents Pilgrimage will take place in Knock Shrine, Co. Mayo, on Sunday, September 12th, at 2pm.
Tyrone girl Chloe Coyle, a popular winner of this year’s Ireland’s Got Talent TV show, has agreed to sing at the Mass, while former Eurovision winner Dana, her mentor on the TV programme, will also perform.
Michael English, a Kildare singer who has a huge following around Ireland, will also sing for what is expected to be a packed Basilica at Knock Shrine.
Chief celebrant will be Bishop John McAreavey, Bishop of Dromore, and the keynote speaker will be Breda O’Brien, the well-known Irish Times columnist and teacher.
Further details are available on
About the Catholic Grandparents Association
- Archbishop Michael Neary, Archbishop of Tuam is Patron
- The Association was born out of the National Grandparents Pilgrimage, established by grandmother Catherine Wiley in 2007.
- One of the aims of the Catholic Grandparents Association is to celebrate the important role grandparents play in the lives of their grandchildren.
- In 2009, over 14,000 people attended the inauguration of the Catholic Grandparents Association
- Further information on the National Grandparents Pilgrimage is available on